Acute kidney injury

Frequent urine monitoring for early identification of kidney damage

Early detection enables effective treatment.

The opportunity

Current diagnosis of AKI

Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a significant, often overlooked health challenge with serious consequences. AKI is characterized by a sudden decline in renal function, typically within hours, due to a variety of factors including comorbidities, nephrotoxicity and ischemia. It affects one in five hospitalized adults and one in three children, resulting in 13.3 million new cases annually. Despite its prevalence, AKI is often undiagnosed or mismanaged, in part due to a lack of clinical consensus on diagnosis and the ineffectiveness of current bioanalytical methods. The disease is associated with high in-hospital mortality rates (up to 70%) and long-term sequelae, including chronic kidney disease and dialysis dependency.

The current standard of care for AKI involves daily monitoring of serum creatinine and urine output, which is inadequate for the timely detection of renal deterioration. The process is hampered by logistical challenges, reliance on external laboratories, and delays in obtaining results, often leading to missed early signs of kidney damage. This gap can be addressed by implementing on-site urine analyzers that provide frequent and accurate urine measurements. Such advances could revolutionize AKI management by facilitating early detection, preventing irreversible kidney damage, and ultimately reducing hospitalizations and mortality.

The solution

UriMoni™ for Acute Kidney Injury

To optimize the prevention, treatment and management of acute kidney injury (AKI), it's essential to monitor key biomarkers frequently. The implementation of a real-time or near real-time assay with rapid results can minimize reliance on approximate assessments and improve decision making. This allows early detection of AKI symptoms and timely adjustment of medical interventions to prevent further kidney damage.

UriMoni™ is designed to facilitate frequent urine testing, allowing early identification of kidney damage and treatment response in AKI patients, even those with low urine output. By providing timely data, UriMoni™ allows for timely adjustments of medications and dosages to meet individual patient needs. This innovative solution helps prevent further preventable kidney damage and improves the overall effectiveness and efficiency of AKI patient management, empowering healthcare providers with data-driven decision making.